
Exploration & discovery across different subjects

Key skills for the future
In the face of a rapidly changing world we know that school can't be primarily about imparting knowledge in a one-sided way. Our children will live and work in very different situations. Our understanding of the world is changing and expanding every day. Many of today's primary school students will enter professions that may not even exist today. Our horizons are broadening because in a globalised world, thinking in an original way will play an important role.
However, key skills for the future such as creativity, communication and critical thinking can only be acquired actively, not taught theoretically. A central role is played in this by self-confidence, curiosity and the desire to try things out and be creative. Our school offers an ideal environment for the development of these attitudes and skills.

Inquiry-based learning
Inquiry-based learning puts the active learner at the centre. Pupils are encouraged to develop questions independently, to explore topics actively and with different methods, to direct and reflect on their own learning, to exchange ideas and to present results. A positive culture of making mistakes encourages risk-taking, trying things out and in this way ensuring positive development.

Thematic learning in study blocks across individual subjects
Throughout our lives we all learn something new every day. In the process our brains don't stick to the boundaries of school subjects. On the contrary, we learn in contexts and thematic references. This integrated way of learning is also more natural and motivating for children than a compartmentalised approach. In their study blocks the AIS children therefore deal with a subject over an extended period of time so that it can be illuminated and examined from different perspectives.
Example: the theme of water: (with video/photos)
A new theme always starts with the broadest possible overview - in the case of the theme of water, there were different stations that were intended to arouse the children's curiosity and encourage them to ask questions: depictions of water in art, actually scooping up and pouring water, a knowledge video, books, Haydn's Water Music in the reading corner and images of various animals in and around water....
After that we develop questions and individual focal points together: what do we want to find out? How can we learn more about it? Who is particularly interested in what? In what way is water important for us in the first place?
Then we look for answers to our questions - in books, videos, through experiments and observations. We also deal with the topic creatively - we paint, draw and design, experience water in music and in creative phases of silence (dream journeys). In mathematics we start to measure - how high is the water level in my glass today? After one week? Why? What animals are there in the water? What do animals in the deep sea look like and why? If water is so important for all of us, how can we protect it?

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